Onboarding new staff

The Power of Onboarding

Boosting employee retention and productivity

Elevating Performance

Effective onboarding is a critical component of any successful business, particularly within the hospitality sector, where the challenge of high employee turnover looms large.

From a business perspective, the benefits of a successful onboarding align with the company’s bottom line. Efficient onboarding is not just about making employees feel welcome, but also about delivering tangible results to your business.

It's a strategic investment that aims to maximize the value and skills employees bring to your company while mitigating risks and minimizing costs associated with turnover and underperformance.


Accelerated Productivity

The quicker new hires become fully productive, the sooner they start contributing to your business. Effective onboarding aims to reduce the learning curve, helping employees become productive members of the team faster. When employees are well-trained, understand their roles, and have access to necessary resources, their performance is more likely to meet or exceed expectations.

Cost efficiency

Cost Efficiency
Our onboarding module accelerates new employees' time to proficiency and full productivity. By reducing training time and expenses, you will be maximizing recruitment ROI, while minimizing service disruptions, and improving overall resource allocation and operational efficiency.

Staff Retention

Higher Staff Retention
By providing employees with up-skilled competencies, you can boost their motivation, confidence, and sense of belonging, resulting in decreased turnover rates and reduced recruitment costs for your entity.


Compliance and Consistency
Ensures consistent service quality to meet company standards, and ensures staff are up to snuff on hygiene and food safety regulations.


Up-Skill and Empower

The nOmy onboarding module comes with a range of key functionalities designed to engage, up-skill, and empower your employees.

Skills development


Training and Skills Development
Tailor the onboarding process and courses to individual employee needs, or create structured training playlists tailored to each role. Upload and update company SOPs and additional resources such as menus, inhouse recipes etc., and turn them into efficient training manuals.

Progress Tracking

Progress tracking
The analytics tools enable your manager to track employee learning performance and skills development. This data can help identify areas where employees may be struggling and need up-skilling.


Enhanced Communication
With notifications and message boards you can clearly communicate job expectations, responsibilities, and performance standards. This sets the stage for employees to meet and exceed these expectations. 

Flexible access

Flexibility and Accessibility
The onboarding module is accessible on all devices, from mobile phones and tablets, to laptops and desktop computers. This allows your staff to proceed at their own pace. Some employees may prefer to complete the onboarding quickly, while others may need more time to absorb the information.
